The Minister for Fisheries establishes the process and timeframe for determining allocations of each fish resource. He does this based on the advice of the Integrated Fisheries Allocation Advisory Committee.
For fish resources where there is a high level of interest and interaction from several sectors, such as western rock lobster, or where the catch is more evenly shared, substantial work is required to determine the allocations.
Department report
Once the Minister for Fisheries has determined the need for a formal allocation process, the Department will prepare a report for each fish resource.
The report will include:
The current management practices for each sector;
Historical or estimated catch levels by each sector;
The biology of the fish species involved;
The allowable harvest level that can be taken from the fish resource; and
Other relevant data such as regional employment, and economic, social and lifestyle issues.
We will consult with the key stakeholder groups before finalising the report. The report will be approved by the Director General of the Department and will include a clear statement of the allowable harvest level.
The Allocation Committee will conduct preliminary investigations into the allocation issue by:
Drawing on our knowledge, data, technical material and experience available on the particular fish resource and as appropriate from other sources; and
Identifying areas of agreement or disagreement between the different parties.
The Allocation Committee may seek further advice from us on the ecological, economic and social impacts of any proposed change in resource allocation.
Draft report for comment
The Allocation Committee will finalise a draft report and recommend to the Minister that it be released for public comment, usually for three months.
Comment is open to those involved in fishing, managing and researching the fish resource, as well as members of the wider community who may have a specific interest in the fish resource.
The Allocation Committee will hold meetings in relevant metropolitan and regional locations to enable industry, recreational fishers and community members to contribute their views.
The Allocation Committee will consider the submissions received during the public comment period and submit a final allocation report to the Minister.
Determination by Minister
The Minister for Fisheries will consider the recommendations of the Allocation Committee and determine the allocations which are likely to be fixed for a period of about five years.
The Minister will provide a statement of decision on announcement of his determination. The Minister may make the Allocation Committee’s report public at the same time as his statement of decision is released.