Keeping fish in aquariums or garden ponds is a popular hobby.

Keeping your fish healthy and happy can reduce the risk of them contracting, and potentially spreading, water-borne diseases that are a significant threat to the aquatic environment.
Tips for keeping healthier fish:
Make sure you are catering for the specific needs of the fish species you are keeping and not mixing aggressive with passive species.
Maintain good water quality in your tank or pond.
Remove and dispose of sick fish quickly and responsibly.
Don’t overfeed your fish.
Don’t overcrowd your tank or pond.
The deliberate or accidental release of aquatic plants and animals into man-made and natural waterways can lead to pest species establishing themselves in the wild. They can have devastating impacts on our native species and aquatic environment.
The live import list is a national list of species that are allowed to be brought into Western Australia. If the species you wish to import is not on Part 1 of this list, please contact us and we will let you know if the species can be brought into WA or not. In addition, heavy penalties apply if anyone is caught in possession of any fish on the
noxious fish list.
These species have been assessed as being of particularly high risk to native Western Australian fish, many of which are endangered and endemic to the state.
For whatever reason you keep fish, it is important you Don’t dump that fish and prevent them, along with any other aquatic animals and plants, from escaping into our oceans and waterways.
Translocating Live Fish
If you plan to move fish for purposes of non-commercial or commercial aquaculture, research, stocking of farm dams, restaurant trade, aquaponics or other similar activities, you are required under state legislation to apply for a translocation approval.