To protect our waters from the spread of aquatic pests, some fish species are banned from being imported into WA. These species are listed as ‘noxious’ under schedule 5 of the Fish Resources Management Regulations 1995.
Under the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 you must not do the following with any noxious fish:
keep, breed, hatch or culture them;
have them in your possession;
consign or convey them;
release them into any waters; or
put them into a container or receptacle in which they might remain alive.
Penalties of $10,000 and above apply for possessing or releasing noxious fish.
Current noxious fish list
See the
noxious fish list for current listed fish. These species should no longer be in circulation. If you are in possession of a noxious fish it is essential that you do not release them, or any ornamental fish, into our waterways.
Just because a species is not listed on the noxious list, does not mean that species is permitted to be in Western Australia. If you are looking to import or keep ornamental fish, please check to see if it is on Part 1 of the
live import list. If not, please contact for more information on that particular species.