Our Excellence in Marine Biosecurity Award (EMBA) aims to encourage further innovation and excellence in marine biosecurity. 
The EMBA is an opportunity to be recognised for leading practice and innovation in effective biofouling and ballast water management and to share experiences with the sector, government and the community.
Receiving an EMBA will help build your company’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen with a commitment to protecting the State’s marine biodiversity.
EMBA 2015 Winners Announced!
It was a surprise result this year – the panel was extremely impressed with the high standard of nominations and in the end could not choose between two outstanding applications. They therefore made the tough decision to award two EMBA winners for their projects which both demonstrated long standing commitment to marine biosecurity in Western Australia!
Biofouling Solutions Pty Ltd
Developing and improving invasive marine species inspection standards and treatment protocols for vessels.
For incredible dedication and commitment to marine biosecurity, with a project that demonstrates excellence, leadership, and ongoing innovation. Biofouling Solutions Pty Ltd (BFS) is a team of marine biologists committed to providing excellent marine biosecurity services and advice to the maritime industry and regulators.
BFS conducts inspections and successfully manages vessels infected with invasive marine species (IMS) by working closely with regulators, commercial diving and chemical treatment companies, and vessel managers and owners in Australia, South-East Asia and Europe. BFS has developed innovative techniques, tools and procedures, and carries out research to improve its IMS management services.
Franmarine Underwater Services Pty Ltd
In-water hull cleaning and filtration system – Envirocart
For demonstrating leadership and innovation in marine biosecurity management with their project, an in-water hull cleaning and filtration system – Envirocart (trialled and improved).
This small, innovative commercial diving company specialises in ship repair and maintenance. It has developed a revolutionary new technology enabling in-situ cleaning of underwater surfaces without causing any biological risk to the environment. It does so by capturing, containing and treating the biological waste generated by cleaning without damaging the anti-fouling coat.
The main tool for removing marine growth from flat or curved surfaces is the Envirocart, a diver-steered, hydraulically-powered unit with rotating discs that can be fitted with blades. The blades provide a new contactless cleaning method using a hydro vortex. Extracted water and debris is processed through a new twin screen and micron filtration system to 15 micron, and excess soluble copper is removed by air flocculation.

Bateman MLA Matt Taylor (second from right) presented the EMBA 2015 Award to Biofouling Solutions’ Pat Lewis and Ashley Coutts (left) and Roger Dyhrberg, Franmarine Underwater Services (right).
Shortlisted nominees
The other nominees for the 2015 EMBA Awards demonstrated excellent projects which showed the adoption of innovative techniques and operations of industry:
Department of Defence - for the HMAS Stirling Biosecurity Management Program.
Pilbara Ports Authority - for their Vessel Risk Assessment and Early Warning System.
Technip Oceania Pty Ltd - for their Wheatstone Subsea Installation Contract.
EMBA 2016 applications
If you have a project or initiative that raises the best practice standard in biosecurity we would love to hear about it. The EMBA is open to individuals, companies and organisations for all types of marine biosecurity activities.
To submit an EMBA application for 2016, please look for the application page on this website in early 2016. Applications usually open from April onwards. You can also email the Biosecurity Section Leader at victoria.aitken@fish.wa.gov.au.