Dr Fabian Trinnie completed his PhD at Deakin University in 2013, comparing the reproductive cycles of five stingaree species from south-eastern Australia.
While studying for his PhD, he worked as a casual science technician surveying catches aboard commercial trawl and shark gillnet fishing boats. Dr Trinnie was then employed full-time as the data manager for the Victorian southern rock lobster program and also to run the stock assessment model.
In his present position, Dr Trinnie has a role in recreational surveys, in particular the rock lobster fishing survey.
His main areas of interest and expertise are shark and ray life history, data management and southern rock lobster modelling, stock assessment methods and population modelling.
His current research interest is recreational fishing surveys.
Dr Fabian Trinnie PhD
Research Scientist, Stock Assessment and Data Analysis
T: (08) 9203 0134
E: Fabian.Trinnie@fish.wa.gov.au