Dr Brent Wise has over 25 years’ research experience in a range of Australian and international fisheries, including being an Australian representative to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.
He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Engineering and Mathematics at Edith Cowan University.
Dr Wise currently has a leadership role in the development of stock assessments, harvest strategies and recreational surveys. These include the development of the WA weight-of-evidence assessment approach, contributions to the national and WA harvest strategy policies, and contributions to the WA Statewide Boat-based Recreational Survey.
His current research involves the development of ecosystem methods and risk assessments.
Dr Brent Wise PhD
Principal Research Scientist, Stock Assessment and Data Analysis
T: (08) 9203 0111
E: Brent.Wise@fish.wa.gov.au