Rowley Shoals Marine Park is at the edge of the continental shelf, approximately 260 kilometres west-north-west of Broome.
The marine park protects two reefs (Clerke Reef and Imperieuse Reef) that make up a chain of three coral atolls. The nearby Mermaid Reef lies within a Commonwealth marine reserve and is managed under Commonwealth legislation.
Rowley Shoals Marine Park consists of three zone types: 'no-take' sanctuary zones, recreation zones and a general use zone.
Recreational fishing can be enjoyed in most areas of the marine park, but special rules apply in some zones. Ensure you know your zones before you go fishing.
Remember that Statewide recreational fishing rules (such as species, bag and size limits, seasonal closures, gear restrictions and licence requirements) also apply to fishing in Rowley Shoals Marine Park.
The key species likely to be found in the marine park include pelagic species (mackerel, tuna and trevally) in the oceanic waters surrounding the reefs, and emperors and red bass on the outer slope of the reef and in the sheltered lagoons.
Cod and wrasse species, including potato cod, rock cod,
coral trout and humphead maori wrasse, are totally protected within the marine park and cannot be taken.
More information
For further information about zones, sites and activities in Rowley Shoals Marine Park, visit the Department of Parks and Wildlife Explore Parks WA website.