Aquaculture Licence and Exemption holders can now submit their aquaculture related reports online through iApply.
The following report forms are available for online submission:
Annual Production Returns
This form has been paper-based. It was recently made electronic and trialled on the platform K2 but has since been upgraded to the iApply platform. The submission of annual production returns is mandatory, as required under Regulation 64 of the Fish Resources Management Regulations 1995.
Broodstock Collection Report
A new form to facilitate the submission of broodstock collection data, as required under Exemption condition.
Regular Mortality Report
A new form to collect data on regular mortalities at aquaculture operations for the purpose of identifying trends – this is a voluntary form.
Environmental Data Report
A new form to collect environmental data for aquaculture licence holders in Aquaculture Development Zones, where relevant under the Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan issued by the Minister for Environment and, or, the Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan required under the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (FRMA).
Other Reports
This section allows upload of:
- Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan (MEMP) reports, as required under Aquaculture Licence condition;
- R&D Exemption reports, as required under Exemption condition; and
- coral and algae images as required under Broodstock Exemption condition.
Submission of reports online via iApply is preferred. If you have any issues submitting online, please contact for assistance with an alternative option.
Benefits of using the online reporting system include:
- ease of use – a better user experience; and
- record-keeping purposes – each user will have all of their submitted reports stored in one place so they can access them at any time.
To access the forms, you will require an online personal account. This account is the same as the online account required to apply for an aquaculture authorisation or exemption.
If you already hold an online account, you can access the reporting system in your account.
To request an online personal account, email us at: with the following details:
- name;
- company name;
- email address; and
- contact phone number.
Once your request is received, we will set up your account and you will then be able to apply online.
Online User guides
For information on how to use the online forms, refer to the following online form user guides: