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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
Friday 7 August 2020

Oyster Harbour Zone opens up for South Coast aquaculture

    • McGowan Government supports South Coast aquaculture with $1.3 million funding for new aquaculture development zone
    • Investment-ready aquaculture zone expected to create jobs
    • Oyster Harbour zone will allow for recreational boating access

The McGowan Government is set to declare the first stage of a new aquaculture development zone (ADZ) in Albany - priming the pump for investment in shellfish farming and paving the way for an estimated 200 jobs. 

The McGowan Government has invested $1.3 million to establish shellfish locations within the South Coast. This investment is in addition to more than $2 million to build and expand the Albany Shellfish Hatchery, which provides the oyster spat to commercial operators in Albany and across Western Australia.

Declaration of aquaculture development zones ensures approval and management frameworks are in place for start-up and growth opportunities for commercial-scale aquaculture proposals. 

The sites within the Oyster Bay area of the Albany ADZ

Declaration of the zone in Albany coastal waters is a two stage process, with the first involving declaration of a 500-hectare area in Oyster Harbour. Additional areas in Princess Royal Harbour and King George Sound will follow.

Applications are now open for aquaculture licences and leases within the Oyster Harbour area of the Albany Aquaculture Zone.

Relevant information is available on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website via the Fisheries link:

The zone was developed following extensive consultation with the local community and stakeholders, and accommodates the needs of other users including recreational boating.

Comments attributed to Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley:

"Aquaculture is a significant growth industry for WA, and the McGowan Government has supported a number of key aquaculture initiatives to help diversify our economy, boost employment opportunities and generate economic activity in regional coastal areas.

"When the South Coast zones are all operational, the shellfish farming activity is expected to create more than 200 direct jobs and hundreds of indirect jobs in sectors supporting those commercial operations.

"This figure, coupled with the future employment opportunities in the Kimberley and Mid-West aquaculture zones, is estimated to support up to 2,000 jobs across the State."

Minister's office - 6552 5300

Last modified: 9/08/2020 1:33 PM

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