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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries

Trout stocking

Hundreds of thousands of trout are released each year into the rivers and dams of the State’s south-west. Trout are released at varying sizes: as fry, yearlings, advanced yearlings and ex-broodstock throughout the year to provide a variety of fishing experiences for anglers.

See the table below for planned locations for releasing trout in 2024. Please note, these locations and numbers may be subject to change.

2024 trout stocking plan

It has been necessary to change some of the stocking locations where fry have previously been released due to some of the water bodies being prone to drying by the end of the summer period.

DPIRD is focusing production on the release of the larger size yearlings rather than smaller fry, as such this means that the total number of trout released is reduced. 

Nevertheless, releasing bigger fish increases survivability so that they can grow to one day be captured by recreational anglers. 

In 2024 rainbow and brown trout will be released by the Pemberton Freshwater Research Centre at a variety of locations.


Rainbow yearlings 2024​ B​rown yearlings 2024​
​Preston River ​150
​Murray​ River 700 700
Brunswick River​ 120
​Collie River Gorge​ 450 1,300​
Donnelly River​ 600​ 900​
Warren River​ 1,000​ 1,000​
Lefroy Brook​ 600 900​
Blackwood River​ 600
Waroona Dam​ 300​
Harvey Dam​ 1,500​ 1,000​
Logue Brook Dam​ 300 500​
​McKnoes Brook ​100
Drakesbrook Dam ​200​ 600
Wellington Dam​ 1,600​ 3,400​
Glen Mervyn Dam​ 100​
Big Brook Dam​ 200​ ​1,000​
Norilup Dam​ 80​
Total 8,600 11,300


Rainbow ex-broodstock 2024​ Brown ex-broodstock 2024
Drakesbrook Dam ​350 75​
Waroona Dam ​350 ​75
Harvey Dam ​750 150
Big Brook Dam​ ​100 50
​Warrem and Lefroy ​150 ​50
Total ​1,700 400​


Rainbow trout fry 2024
​Dirk Brook 1,000
Nanga Brook 2,500
Murray River 2,500
​Logue Brook 5,000​
Falls Brook (Harvey Dam) 1,000​
McKnoes Brook 1,000
Drakesbrook Dam​ 500
Brunswick River ​1,000
Collie River high 2,000​
Collie River low 2,000​
Carlotta Brook 1,000​
Nannup Brook 1,000​
St Johns Brook 1,000​
St Johns Barrabup Pool 1,000
Upper Hesters Brook 1,000
Balingup Brook 1,000​
​Donnelley River - Pailings Road 1,000
​​Donnelley River - Damper Gully Road ​1,000
​​Donnelley River - Scatter Road ​1,000
​Beedelup Brook​ 1,000
​Record Brook ​1,000
​Smith Brook 1,000
​Warren River ​4,000
​Dombakup Brook ​1,000
Quinninup Brook 1,000
​Lefroy Brook ​2,500
​Treen Brook ​2,500
​Moons Crossing ​1,000
​Collins Crossing ​1,000
​Lower Eastbrook ​1,000
Total 44,500


Last modified: 2/08/2024 3:10 PM

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