The recreational fishing octopus trigger trap trial has been extended for a further one year and nine months under an exemption to the Fish Resources Management Act 1994.
The exemption allows Recreational Fishing from Boat Licence (RFBL) holders to use a maximum of six single chamber octopus trigger traps and we will monitor the impact of their use over the trial period.
The trial will end on 31 December 2025 following a Departmental review of the use of trigger traps and long-term rules around recreational fishing for octopus in WA.
Specific conditions apply to the use of octopus trigger traps. These include restrictions to the size, colour, markings and type of trigger traps and floats used. Further conditions also apply to where and when you can use these traps during the year.
The use of octopus trigger traps continues to be prohibited in all sanctuary zones and any other marine parks zones that do not permit recreational octopus fishing or rock lobster fishing.
RFBL holders interested in using octopus trigger traps should refer to the
exemption for full details of all conditions.