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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
Wednesday 16 December 2015

Lobster fishers must ID their pots

​Fisheries and Marine Officers have uncovered a large number of offences by people fishing for rock lobster along WA’s West Coast, since the start of the recreational season in mid-October.

In a special operation in the Midwest, more than 50 rock lobster pots have been seized in recent weeks and over 35 infringements have been issued.

The more common offences include surface floats incorrectly marked or not marked at all, unlicensed fishers, fishers interfering with other people’s rock lobster pots, and failing to tail clip a recreationally-caught rock lobster.

Some of the lobster pots that officers have seized in the Midwest

Supervising Fisheries and Marine Officer for the Geraldton District, Robert Bogumil said the operation would continue in the lead up to Christmas.

“We are urging people to ensure their surface floats for lobster pots are correctly marked with their gear identification number,” Mr Bogumil said.

“Fishers need to ensure they only pull their own pots and they have a current rock lobster licence.

“As well as the float, we also recommend that fishers mark their pots with the correct gear identification number, to assist us with the detection of pot interference and to help us return pots to the rightful owners.”

North Metropolitan Compliance Manager Todd A’Vard said similar offences off the Perth coast have also been detected since the beginning of the recreational rock lobster fishing season.

“Pot offences have led the list of infringements in the past couple of months in the North Metropolitan Region, followed by licence-related offences, along with people who have ignored the rules on Sanctuary Zones and taken undersize rock lobsters,” Mr A’Vard said.

“Two recent apprehensions at Rottnest Island and Hillarys involved one of the most serious offences of interfering with other people’s pots, where they face maximum penalties of up to $25,000.

“The obligation is on the fisher at all times to know the rules that apply.”

More information on WA’s rock lobster fishing rules and limits is available in the Recreational fishing for rock lobster guide 2015/16.

You can find fishing guides at, or collect them from departmental offices, or Information Outlets.

Last modified: 16/12/2015 12:15 PM

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