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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries

Recreational fishing rules

To help keep our fish resources sustainable, a comprehensive set of rules for recreational fishers exists, including:

​By following the rules, you will help maintain the fantastic fishing opportunities here in WA, ensuring there are fish for the future for you and the generations to come.

Most of the key statewide fishing rules can be found online​, in our  recreational fishing guide or via the Recfishwest App.​

New rules


To catch barramundi, you are permitted to use up to 2 rods, reels and lines or single handheld lines.

You can also now spearfish for barramundi in oceanic waters only. Spearfishing is still prohibited in all inland waters, creeks, estuaries and rivers.

Freshwater fishing

Anglers fishing for freshwater fish (including brown and rainbow trout, freshwater cobbler and redfin perch) from the shore may now use up to 2 fishing rods and lines or single handheld lines.

Sea urchin

From 11 December 2024, fishing for sea urchin is permitted statewide year-round for recreational fishers in WA, except in some marine protected areas. Zoning maps are available online.

There are no sea urchin size limits and the daily bag limit is 20 per fisher. No licence is required, however if you are using a powered boat to reach your fishing spot, a Recreational Fishing from Boat Licence (RFBL) is required.

More information is available on the recreational fishing rules site.


For the 2024/25 season, Roe’s abalone fishing is open from Moore River to Greenough River Mouth as part of the West Coast Zone open season. 

The open season dates and information​ on abalone fishing for the West Coast Zone, which extends from Busselton Jetty to Greenough River Mouth, is available on our website.

Recreational fishing for greenlip abalone has been closed since October 2023 in the area from Busselton Jetty to Shoal Cape (Zone 3). Commercial fishing for greenlip abalone is also prohibited in the same area.

Cockburn Sound blue swimmer crab

From 1 December 2024, recreational fishers will be permitted to take blue swimmer crab in Cockburn Sound during the season. This is the result of a new stock assessment which indicates that the stock can support a low level of recreational catch. 

Between 1 December and 31 August of the following year, a daily bag limit of 5 crabs applies throughout Cockburn Sound and Owen Anchorage, with a boat limit of 20 crabs where four or more Recreational Fishing Boat Licence holders are on board. 

Check the rules:

While a low level of fishing is now sustainable, crab numbers have not returned to levels seen in the 2000s. This is because the productivity within the Sound decreased after measures to improve water quality were implemented. Because of this lower abundance, the fishery is reopening to recreational fishers only, with a reduced daily bag limit of 5 crabs to ensure the available catch is shared amongst fishers and supports a quality fishing experience. More information is provided in the Cockburn Sound blue swimmer crab science update​

Wire trace fishing

From 1 October 2024, fishing with wire trace is prohibited within 800 m from shore at all metropolitan beaches, the Swan-Canning Estuary, the Busselton Jetty and foreshore, and the Esperance Jetty.

The Prohibition on Fishing (Wire Trace) Order 2024 includes:

  • ​all Perth metropolitan beaches from Tim’s Thicket Beach to 5 km north of Two Rocks and all waters of the Swan-Canning Estuary
  • the Busselton Jetty and all nearshore waters (within 800 m from shore) along the Busselton foreshore (between the Vasse Diversion Drain and the Georgette Street boat ramp)
  • the Esperance Jetty and all nearshore waters (within 800 m from shore) 200 m either side of the jetty.

The revised restrictions complement the existing statewide prohibition on the use of mammal and bird products as berley, such as blood and offal. More information and a map are available online. Information on fishing rules for sharks including size and bag limits can be found online or in our statewide recreational fishing guide​.

Southern garfish​

From 1 March 2024, the take of southern garfish in Perth metropolitan waters is now permitted. This is a result of seven years of reduced fishing pressure which has helped boost southern garfish stocks. A daily bag limit of 30 applies for the garfish group.

West Coast demersal scalefish

Following extensive community and industry consultation, management changes were introduced to boost the recovery of demersal scalefish stocks in the West Coast bioregion​ from Kalbarri to Augusta. 

Changes for recreational fishers

On 1 February 2023, the following changes commenced:
  • ​Extended the closed season for recreational fishers in the West Coast bioregion.

Fishing for, being in possession on a boat or landing demersal scalefish in the West Coast bioregion is prohibited from:
1 February to 31 March (inclusive)​ 1 August to 15 September (inclusive)​ ​​15 October to 15 December (inclusive)

*Note this does not apply to land based recreational line fishers who can fish all year round, and persons on a fishing charter.

  • ​​​A mixed species daily bag limit of two demersal scalefish, including WA dhufish (except coral trout, coronation trout and western blue groper have a daily bag limit of one).
  • A boat limit of four demersal scalefish per vessel.
  • ​​The removal of the WA dhufish boat limit.
  • A maximum of one bait or lure per line when fishing for demersal scalefish.
  • Removal of size limits for WA dhufish, baldchin groper and breaksea cod to limit baro-trauma.
  • ​Abrolhos Islands changes:  
      • ​​​reduced bag limit of one demersal scalefish;

      • reduced finfish possession limit of:
          • ​​5 kg of fillets from any species, plus 5 kg of fillets from large pelagic finfish (must have skin attached for identification purposes); OR

          • one day’s bag limit of whole fish.
  • Shifting the timing of the Abrolhos Islands baldchin groper spawning closure to be 1 October to 31 December (inclusive). 
  • ​Extending the timing of the Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds pink snapper spawning closure to be 1 August to 31 January (inclusive).

Video series - new demersal rules explained

1. Spawning protection

2. One bait, one lure

3. Boat and bag limits

4. Size limits​

5. Abrolhos Islands​

New management changes are also in place for commercial and charter fishers in the West Coast bioregion.

Find out more on the West Coast demersal scalefish resource​ homepage.


Last modified: 19/02/2025 10:45 AM

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