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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
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an overview of the governance system for fisheries in Western Australia in general and a more detailed description of the management system for the western rock lobster fishery …
 Date: 15/08/2013 Size: 2MB Department of Fisheries 3rd floor SGIO Atrium 168 -170 St Georges … 20 Risk analysis 21 Risk treatment 22 Risk management 22 Conclusion 23 References 24 ii West …
 Date: 12/09/2013 Size: 1MB

extent to which the Department of Fisheries is achieving sustainable fisheries management objectives. The Department of Fisheries was given a satisfaction rate of 83.7 per …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 2MB

full cost recovery from the major commercial fisheries in 1995 under a policy paper entitled “Future Directions for Fisheries Management in Western Australia” or better known …
 Date: 15/08/2013 Size: 175KB

Principal Policy Officer, Department of Fisheries. • Fiona Crowe Principal Management Officer, Department of Fisheries (Executive Officer). The Working Group …
 Date: 15/08/2013 Size: 1MB

R. 2022. Ecosystem Based Fishery Management—Ecological Risk Assessment of the Western Rock Lobster Resource. Fisheries Occasional Paper No. 142. Prepared for the Department of …
 Date: 9/12/2022 Size: 1MB

in Western Australian watersii Fisheries Occasional Publication No. 112, 2013 Department of Fisheries 3rd floor SGIO Atrium 168 -170 St Georges … 10 Appendix 1a: Boundaries of the …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 1MB A complete list of Fisheries Research Reports is available online at Fisheries Occasional Publication No. 137 iii Table … 6 3.1.2 Peel-Harvey Estuary …
 Date: 10/03/2020 Size: 2MB

15 State-wide – Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management 18 State-wide – Biosecurity (Diseases and … South West Trawl and South Coast Trawl Fisheries 52 West Coast – Blue Swimmer Crab Fishery …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 2MB duplicates

Fisheries occasional publication No. 75 … bioregion, using the Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Framework. The annual update of the R&D plan …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 1MB

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