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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
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31 iv Fisheries Management Paper No. 273 LIST OF ACRONYMS ARMA Aquatic Resources Management Act 2016 CAES Catch and Effort Statistics …
 Date: 1/05/2020 Size: 1MB South-West Crab Resource Harvest Strategy.pdfView duplicates

Ecologically Sustainable Development for Fisheries and Aquaculture within Western Australia. Fisheries Management Paper No. 157 Fisheries Management …
 Date: 13/08/2013 Size: 1MB

50 Fisheries Management Paper No. 281 1 INTEGRATED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Integrated Fisheries Management (IFM) is a policy aimed at …
 Date: 8/11/2016 Size: 2MB

Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource July 2010 Fisheries Management Paper No. 247 ISSN 0819-4327Fisheries Management Paper No.247 iii Contents INTRODUCTION … 3 1.1.2 Life history …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 1MB

born at around 12 mm in length. 8 Fisheries Management Paper No. 293 Table 2 -Summary of the reported catch …
 Date: 5/10/2018 Size: 4MB duplicates

OF RECOMMENDAT IONS AND NOTES2 Fisheries Management Paper No.226 Recommendation 8 When at a … by indigenous people. ............................. 214 Fisheries Management Paper No …
 Date: 13/08/2013 Size: 3MB

information for the Advisory Committee. 6 Fisheries Management Paper No 166 1.4 Objectives of this Paper The objective of this paper is to provide factual background to the issues …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 1MB

of Coral in Western Australia October 2002 Fisheries Management Paper No. 163 ISSN 0819-4327 Fisheries Management Paper No. 163 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 356KB

that these are currently under review. Fisheries Management Paper No. 216 6 This discussion paper does not include in its scope the fees and …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 216KB

.19 5.1.2 Gummy sharks … 54 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PAPERS … 3rd Floor, The Atrium 168 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Fisheries Management Paper No. 180 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The West Coast …
 Date: 14/08/2013 Size: 466KB

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