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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
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Strategy and Control Rules DISCUSSION PAPER Graeme Baudains Presentation format •Background to HSCR •Intro to paper and sustainability objective •Key principles •Harvest …
 Date: 18/02/2014 Size: 1MB

chain of custody from the US & Canadian fisheries to dining rooms throughout Europe. Risk … by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. It gives the conclusions of an expert …
 Date: 27/04/2016 Size: 12MB

by humans”), Jim Penn (“Research for management of lobster fisheries, its history, recent developments and future …
 Date: 19/01/2015 Size: 5MB

and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management (ICWL) tentatively planned for 23-28 October … are often used in both ecology and fisheries science to derive indices of abundance and …
 Date: 3/09/2021 Size: 1MB

associated with managing the future for fisheries and ocean uses setting the scene for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM). The presentations provided many …
 Date: 19/12/2023 Size: 13MB

for the future of these fisheries are still disconcertingly unclear. We therefore anticipate topics relating to fisheries, aquaculture and interactions with the …
 Date: 23/05/2012 Size: 1MB

Habitat and Ecosystem Issues for Fisheries Management (Lynda … Neurobiology, Marine Protected Areas, and Fisheries and Fisheries Technology. We are happy to announce …
 Date: 10/02/2014 Size: 2MB

and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management is the largest international event for all disciplines of lobster research and management. The past ICWLs were held in Perth …
 Date: 23/05/2012 Size: 2MB

this generally represents best practice for fisheries management and reflects that fisheries research and management focus is now broader than just …
 Date: 7/08/2019 Size: 13MB

and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management was held this last February in Hobart … populist thinking about the alleged fisheries management and economic benefits of closing areas to …
 Date: 23/05/2012 Size: 1MB

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