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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
Thursday 26 May 2016

Check your fish rulers

We are asking recreational fishers to return any of our fish rulers that are shorter than the 90 cm they should be.

The photo below shows a ‘short’ ruler from a batch numbered 7448/15 NOV 2015 along the bottom edge.

Please check your fish ruler and if it’s faulty you can exchange it at your local Fisheries office or the outlet where you received the ruler.

We are looking into the possible cause of the fault and closely monitoring fish ruler stocks as they are distributed.

Our recreational fish ruler sticker is a popular item produced as a guide to assist fishers to adhere to fish size limits so there will be plenty of fish for the future.

A 5 mm ‘short’ fish ruler next to a ruler used by our Fisheries and Marine Officers to check fishers’ catches.

Last modified: 26/05/2016 3:22 PM

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