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Government of Western Australia - Department of Fisheries
Thursday 17 September 2015

Discussion paper released on WA South Coast fisheries

​A new Fisheries Management Paper has been released setting out proposed plans for the future management of a number of South Coast fisheries.

Among the Department of Fisheries’ proposals, which are now open for public comment, is placing this group of fisheries under two new management plans.

The purpose of the paper is to set the context for the review and to explain how the review intends to consider the South Coast commercial Open-Access Line, Fish Trap and Squid Jig Fisheries, as well as the nearshore Net and G-net fisheries.

These fisheries target a range of popular demersal and nearshore finfish species, as well as squid, to provide fresh fish to retailers and restaurants along the South Coast, with some of the catch also being supplied to Perth markets.

South West Bioregions Manager Tim Nicholas said the proposed new management plans would provide greater certainty to the commercial fishers who gain access and a better framework to enable the ongoing sustainable management of South Coast fish stocks.

“We are working together with the WA Fishing Industry Council, which represents the commercial fishers, to provide the South Coast operators with briefings about the management proposal and we expect to hold meetings with them next month, in Augusta (20 October), Albany (21 October) and Esperance (23 October),” Mr Nicholas said.

“The development of formal, modern and legally robust arrangements will provide the department with improved capacity to ensure the stocks are fished sustainably and deliver social and economic objectives relating to the use of these State resources.”

Mr Nicholas said the review would comprise two parts: a management planning component to develop the proposed management arrangements for the proposed new fisheries and an access component involving an independent process  to make recommendations on future access to those fisheries.

“This is an important step for the department, the commercial fishing sector and the wider community,” he said.

“It will provide certainty around commercial access rights and that will benefit not only commercial operators, but also recreational fishers and others interested in the management of the South Coast’s wonderful aquatic resources.”

For further information see Fisheries Management Paper 270 – The South Coast Commercial Fish Trap, G-Net and Open-Access Line and Net Scalefish Fisheries and Squid Jig Fishery Review is available on the Department of Fisheries website at

The public comment period will conclude on 6 November 2015.

Last modified: 17/09/2015 5:01 PM

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